

Research Areas

CIEQV-LQRC emphasizes interdisciplinary research to address critical issues such as education, healthcare, nutrition, and socio-economic opportunities. Collaboration among researchers is fostered, supporting early-career researchers, and promoting inclusivity and diversity in research.

The LQRC-CIEQV is organized in five scientific areas of activity corresponding to five research thematic lines, within the five research lines, there are eight research groups.

(I) Thematic Line: Quality Education
The thematic line of Quality Education aligns with the objectives outlined in SDG 4, which aim to guarantee inclusive and high-quality education for all while fostering lifelong learning opportunities. In response to the challenges facing education in the 21st century, this line aims to contribute to the development of research and intervention in the various fields of Education, Training, and Development, promoting collaboration with communities, namely the promotion of quality of life, social transformation, culture, citizenship, and sustainable development. It emphasizes critical thinking, challenging stereotypes, and equipping individuals with the skills and confidence to support change toward a fairer and more sustainable world. This thematic line will also incorporate research into curriculum-related issues and different didactics, within the scope of in-service and pre-service teacher education.

Research Group: Education, Training and Development

(II) Thematic Line: Social Sustainability and Entrepreneurship
The Social Sustainability and Entrepreneurship (SSE) Thematic Line is based on the principle that Social Sustainability (SS) constitutes the essence of development and growth, serving as a measure of societal quality. It emphasizes fostering social integration to enhance the quality of life across all segments of the population. Given the prevalent cross-cutting challenges in Europe and globally, integrated interventions between groups and stakeholders are essential for effectively mitigating territorial and social disparities.

SSE aims to enhance research, critical thinking, and knowledge transfer to improve the implementation of SS. It explores the opportunities and value-added of entrepreneurship, observing how SS indicators could be used to design composite indices, measuring SS alongside the economic and environmental pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), monitoring mechanisms, policy design, and evaluation.

In line with this, SSE comprises two research groups focusing on the study of Psychosocial Risks and Developmental and Organizational Behaviour, Sustainability, and Quality of Life. Although with specific scopes, these two groups are interconnected in a transversal and holistic way in the study, diagnosis, evaluation, and intervention in SDGs 8 – Decent Work; 4 – Quality Education; 10 – Reduced Inequalities; 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production; and 15 – Life on Land.

SSE aims to investigate the operationalization of SS, both at the macro level, on the crucial conditions of well-being, and at the micro level, on life quality, equity, human and social well-being, working conditions, and fair wages, and empowerment through entrepreneurship. This research aims to contribute to monitoring progress, ensure accountability of policy stakeholders, and inform policy-making processes, namely with a framework of indicators developed as a follow-up and review mechanism of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Research Group I: Psychosocial Risks and Local Development
Research Group II: Organizational Behavior, Sustainability and Life Quality

(III) Thematic Line: Sustainable agri-food systems
The Sustainable Agri-Food Systems research line is mainly oriented towards the development of new products and advancements in the field of healthy and sustainable food. The line’s focus is on collaborating with both the agri-food industry and consumers to foster agricultural practices and promote sustainable zootechnical and agro-industrial activities that promote sustainability across the board. By prioritizing the development of new products, we aim to enhance the availability and accessibility of safe, and healthy food, with a preference for locally sourced options, considering the inherent positive social impacts.

Lines of research concerning more sustainable agri-food systems, new foods and alternative sources of nutrients, healthy diets, and new technologies play a key role in creating a more fair, healthy, and sustainable food system for current and future generations. Investing and supporting research in these areas is essential to ensure global food security and promote sustainable development.

Research Group I: Sustainable agrosystems
Research Group II: Food and Nutrition

(IV) Thematic Line: Physical Activity and Sports
The main goal of this Research Line is to promote synergy between the two research groups and promote the interconnection between the two research fields. In line with this, the objective is to develop research projects where the two groups work together, in multidisciplinary research, and also include the different areas of the Research Center.

The Physical Exercise and Quality of Life Group intends to develop research in the scope of people’s quality of life considering different variables, life stages, ages and conditions, and contexts of exercise practice. This Research Group aims to develop research in the various contexts of formal or informal exercise practice (school, school sports, gymnasium, nature sports, leisure, etc.) to verify its impacts on people’s quality of life and seek to develop knowledge about the form and importance of physical activity for quality of life. It is also objective to analyze and understand the form of professional performance to analyze its intervention and verify future paths of professional development adapting to social transformations.

The Management, Analysis of Behavior and Performance in Sports Group intends to develop research in the sports context, in its different dimensions of organization and professional responsibility, considering the different variables that influence sports performance, not neglecting the quality of life. In this group, the research focuses on the analysis of sports organizations and the understanding of how different organic structures can contribute to the sports phenomenon. It also aims to understand and observe the behavior of the different professionals in sports, seeking to contribute to the definition of professional development strategies. Furthermore, this Research Group intends to analyze the different variables that contribute to the performance of athletes and teams, as well as to analyze the competition, training, and training tasks from their different perspectives.

Research Group I: Physical Exercise and Quality of Life
Research Group II: Management, Analysis of Behavior and Performance in Sports

(V) Thematic Line: Social Determinants and Health Indicators for Quality of Life
The Social Determinants and Health Indicators for Quality of Life Thematic Line research has been guided by a lifecycle perspective on health within the realm of quality of life. Through our research, we’ve clarified theoretical concepts that facilitate the identification, understanding, and planning of professional interventions in the health field, addressing health needs across different levels of community-health relationships. This perspective constitutes a crucial reference for the research, knowledge, and understanding undertaken by CIEQV researchers in the field of individual health and community. It forms a strategic and decisive document guiding future research endeavors within the broader context of population quality of life.

The future began in the recent past, and today we assume the clarification of the Thematic Line within the scope of the Scientific Area-Health Sciences, called Social Determinants and Health Indicators for Quality of Life.

We explicitly adopt the healthy aging paradigm outlined by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020). In this paradigm, the quality of life of individuals is approached by emphasizing the central role of each person in making decisions, supported by empowerment. This empowerment enables individuals to take on their health projects, which in turn have repercussions on the health of the community.

Research Group: Lifelong Healthcare



The research developed by the CIEQV members is produced using the institutional facilities at their schools.

Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Lab

ESAS – IPSantarém

Food Technology, Biotechnology and Nutrition Lab

ESAS – IPSantarém

Human Motricity Lab

ESECS – IPLeiria

Sport Sciences Lab

ESE – IPSetúbal

Sport Research Lab

ESDRM – IPSantarém

Nursing Simulation Lab

ESSS – IPSantarém


52 Vida ProFit Susana Franco Susana Franco, Vera Simões, Dulce Esteves, (UBI), Liliana Ramos, Isabel Vieira UBI, CIEQV, IPSantarem 72 meses
53 New Health Programme (NH2022) (Ref:613045-EPP-1-2019-1-NL-SPO-SCP) Dr. John Van Heel (Susana Franco) Dr. John Van Heel, Prof. Dr. Ana Szumilewicz, Dr. Julian Berriman, Prof. Dr. Susana Franco, Prof. Dr. Vera Simões, Prof. Dr. Carla Borrego, Prof. Dr. Simona Pajaujiene, Dr. Aurimas Maciukas, Dr. Eric Vandenabeele, Prof. Dr. Manel Valcarce, Prof. Dr. Adrianna, Prof. Dr. Jana, Prof. Dr. Antala Branislav ERASMUS + Sport 01/2020 – 12/2022
54 Pessoas com Fibra Prof. Dr. Susana Alves IPDJ abril 2022 - dezembro 2022
56 PRECASE: reformulação dos curricula de formação de educadores e professores do ensino básico e formação contínua de professores em serviço, da Guiné-Bissau Miguel Figueiredo (a quota da ESE), Instituto Camões (2023)
57 Projeto Voluntariado Santander - Projeto na "Comunidade para uma vida Saudável" Ana Pereira Ana Pereira, Luis Leitão, alunos LDESP Banco Santander 2019-2021
59 "Todos a Jogo" Mário Espada Mário Espada, Cátia Ferreira, Danilo Ferreira, Fernando Santos, Teresa Figueiredo Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude 1 ano
60 THE STARTING UP - ACCELERATORS OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP 4 INCLUSION Maria Barbas Maria Barbas, Susana Leal, Maurício Dias, Elsa Casimiro, Mário José, Silvandina Cordeiro, Cristina Novo, Lisa Silva, Dinka Vukovic, Natalija Belošević, Sotiris Themistokleous, Glykeria Kalamata, António Campos, Rita Pedro Erasmus+ 2 anos
61 VOLTO JÁ - Programa de Intercâmbio Sénior - I’ll be right: Senior Exchange Program Sandra Oliveira Sandra Oliveira, Susana Leal, Carla Vivas, João Nascimento, Cláudio Barradas, Aldo Passarinho, Cristina Santos, Marta Amaral, Ana Rodrigues, Alice Diniz, Eva Mendonça, Joana Santinhos, Luís Cláudio Barradas, Luís Martins, Regina Ferreira, Ricardo São João FCT 3 anos
62 CIEQV 2020-2023 José Rodrigues José Rodrigues, Rui Matos Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 4 anos
63 Village on Move Go Marita Mattila José Amoroso, Paula Simões Comissão Europeia 2 anos

Project Partners


Promoting physical activity and healthy habits in sedentary teenagers.

FITeens é um Projeto Erasmus+ cujo objetivo é sensibilizar e mobilizar os jovens adolescentes para a importância da atividade física e do estilo de vida saudável.


1 24 Arménio Rego, Andreia Vitória, Tânia Ribeiro, Leonor Ribeiro, Rui Lourenço-Gil, SUSANA LEAL & Miguel Pina e Cunha 2020 Attitudes and HRM decisions toward older workers in Africa: exploring contradictions through an empirical study. The International Journal of Human 10.1080/09585192.2019.1710720
2 23 FILIPE RODRIGUES, Diogo S. Teixeira, Henrique P. Neiva, Luís Cid and Diogo Monteiro 2020 Understanding Exercise Adherence: The Predictability of Past Experience and Motivational Determinants Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 98 10.3390/brainsci10020098
3 22 RUI MATOS, Nuno Amaro, Richard Pollard 2020 How best to quantify home advantage in team sports: an investigation involving male senior handball leagues in Portugal and Spain. RICYDE. Revista internacional de ciencias del deporte, 59(16), 12-23 10.5232/ricyde2020.05902
5 21 Alesi, Marianna; Gómez-López, Manuel; CHICAU BORREGO, CARLA; Monteiro, Diogo; Granero-Gallegos, Antonio. 2019 Effects of a Motivational Climate on Psychological Needs Satisfaction, Motivation and Commitment in Teen Handball Players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (15): 2702. 10.3390/ijerph16152702
6 20 AMARO, N.M., Morouço, P.G, Marques, M.C., Batalha, N.M., Neiva, H., Marinho, D.A. 2019 A Systematic Review on Dry-land Strength and Conditioning Training on Swimming Performance. Science &Sports. Science &Sports. 34 (1): 1-14. 10.1016/j.scispo.2018.07.003.

CIEQV Editions