Autor: Maria Correia, Maria Clara Martins

School of Education – Polytechnic University of Santarém
Life Quality Research Centre



The technological growth of today’s society points to an educational interest growth involving approaches in STEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, and Mathematics). However, to contribute to increasing students’ interest in these subjects from an early age it is crucial to prepare primary teachers to carry out an integrated STEAM approach in schools. The study presented in this article aimed to points aims to demonstrate the potential of engaging primary pre-service teachers in a STEAM program within a science and a mathematics course. For this purpose, the participant’s responses to a pre-post-survey were analyzed. The results show that the development of lesson plans by preservice teachers fostered more positive attitudes towards the integrated STEAM approach. Participants show that they can reflect on the process of planning STEAM activities, identifying benefits and challenges, and showing confidence to implement an integrated STEAM approach in the context of practice.

Keywords: Integrated approach, Primary Education, STEAM Education, Teacher Education.


Read the full article in the April 2023 Newsletter