On 28 and 29 of September was held at Évora University the 2nd Congress of the Network of Higher Education Institutions for the Safeguarding of the Mediterranean Diet; 2nd International Conference on the Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy – Multidisciplinarity at the Table.

Margarida Oliveira1,2, Paula Ruivo1,2 & Igor Dias1,2 were Members of the Scientific Committee.

Igor Dias attended on Round Table discussion Territorial Cohesion – Territory and Sustainable Development.

1Escola Superior Agrária de Santarém (ESAS);
2LEAF Linking Landscape, Environment, Agriculture and Food Research Center;
3Life Quality Research Center – Centro de Investigação para a Qualidade de Vida (LQRC-CIEQV).

For more information: https://www.mediterraneanconference2023.com/