Autor: José Fernandes Rodrigues

Sports Science School of Rio Maior – Polytechnic University of Santarém
Life Quality Research Centre

(Conference held at the 2nd International LQRC-CIEQV Congress, on 23rd February 2023)

In the eyes of the public and those responsible for the development of scientific knowledge in Portugal, scientific research in societal areas with an impact on the community has little value.

This statement has only one purpose, which is to contribute to a better understanding and classification of the scientific activity of the Life Quality Research Centre.

The concept of “quality of life” is multifactorial, wide, and comprehensive, and can be understood under different paradigms: individual, social, economic, and environmental. Overall, quality of life refers to the level of individual satisfaction and perceived well-being in relation to life in general.


Read the full article in the April 2023 Newsletter